
Friday, January 24, 2025

Here Comes the Sun

Despite the busyness of the Space Opera class last week, I got plenty of sun. Even when the temps were below zero this week, there was lots of sun.

All that lovely light definitely improved my mood. I've had a rough time dealing with my Seasonal Affective Disorder, aka SAD, this winter. The political climate and growing sense of fear have not helped.

Plus my week in Vegas recharged certain batteries, I really don't have anyone to talk business with here in town. Most of my friends live two hours or more away. Yes, we communicate by various means, but there's a certain energy you get when you talk with someone in person. I definitely got that during breakfast, lunch, and breaks during the class.

So this week, I've put that excitement into my work, and I got a bit accomplished--even though something I though would be a one-day project has turned into three days. LOL

Things are finally moving in the right direction. Even if I did have to take a nap after this morning's yoga class. But that's part of taking care of the word-producing machine.

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