The goal for 2018 is to release eight books in eight months. So far, I've been two for two.
But this week, the paperback proof for A Modicum of Truth arrived, my formatter sent me the PDF for Sacrificed, and I'm trying to finish the first draft of Hero De Facto. It's culminated in a very busy work week.
To top off my busy schedule, Genius Kid officially started Spring Break after his Physics class this afternoon. He and I are road-tripping to his godmother's place next week.
It'll be an interesting excursion simply because we're at that weird state between a parent and child where things aren't always sunshine and roses. In other words, he hates me, and I want to kill him. If we can survive this trip, maybe there's hope for us switching to an adult-adult relationship.
In the meantime, having another driver means I can spend some of my trip working on first two books of the 888-555-HERO without Darling Husband asking what's for dinner...
Money Can’t Buy Happiness, But Can It Buy Survival? What the Rich Get Wrong
I “what if” for a living. What makes Special Forces elite is our
planning before the actual mission. Planning for all possible
contingencies, on top of the...
10 hours ago
Whee, sounds like it's gonna be a fun road trip! Enjoy! :D
I'll settle for uneventful, Angie. LOL