Red Leader's Force ghost has been hovering over me lately, extorting me to, of course, "Stay on target!"
While finishing Hero Ad Hoc doesn't compare to blowing up the Death Star, I find myself running into the same trap of fear Red Squadron faced in their attack. I'd hoped to finish the novel last week when I had some relatively free time.
But doctor appointments start up again today. In fact, I've probably been to my first appointment and gone by the time you read this. And I'm beginning to feel like I'm never going to finish this damn book.
I've even resorted to working on Hero De Novo and another unnamed project just to feel like I'm moving forward. It's only a hundred to two hundred words every day or so, but it is enough to spur me back to Hero Ad Hoc.
Normally, I'd chalk up my reluctance to finish to my usual "don't want the story to end" mindset. However, the majority of this book was written after my breast cancer diagnosis.
Yep, a mere fifty thousand words in the last three months. Which is low for me, but hey! Given the circumstances, that's actually pretty good!
I don't know if it's superstition, premonition, or what, but I feel like something's going to happen when I finish this book.
Like everything's going to change.
Which is weird because life is constant change.
It is fear, but a different type of dread. I wish I knew what the hell Red Leader was really trying to tell me. As Luke Skywalker can tell you, Force ghosts are rarely clear in their exhortations and even less cooperative.
Unless it's Yoda blowing up the frickin' Tree of Knowledge.
Recommended Reading List: September 2024
Yeah, the last list from 2024. Finally. I thought maybe I would just punt
this one, but I like sharing what I’ve read that I’ve liked. So I didn’t
want to ...
18 hours ago
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