
Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Back to Writing

Last night was the first night I worked on a wip in nearly a week. I hate missing days for writing, but moving to the new laptop was a necessary task. The last thing I need is to lose a story file that I've spent a few hours working on due to an erratic computer.

I must say the new one is faster. Unfortunately, that's all I can say. Learning the revised apps for Windows 10 has been a major pain in the ass. Or neck.

Yup, my stupid neck muscles went into spasms from my tension over being forced to make the change sooner than I planned.

So between sucking down naproxen like M&Ms and having to relearn how Outlook and MS Word operate, I'm really loathing my approach to 60.

Monday, June 26, 2023

I'm Back!

After being on Windows 8.1 for nearly nine years on my previous laptop, I finally got "most" of the stuff I need moved to my new baby. There were a few hiccups between 8.1 and Windows 10. Like when my printer decided it wasn't going to recognize the home wifi network.

I finally got it to recognize the wifi router, but then it decided the password I entered was incorrect. I entered, re-entered, double-checked DH's secret password list, and finally gave up at four this morning. I left the help tabs with HP open, so I could show DH when he was awake.

When I got up, I checked with DH. He confirmed that he didn't change the router password, and it was the same one I had. However, he was in the middle of the work day, so I need to wait and have him double-check everything.

And as I closed the umpteenth request for the damn password, the router and printer decided to talk to each other!

Sometimes, I wonder if we have a gremlin infestation. Time to find my white sage sticks and purify the house.

Saturday, June 24, 2023

Music I've Been Listening to Lately

That woman had an incredible voice.

And to DH, Happy Anniversary, Baby!

Friday, June 23, 2023

When You Admit Your Laptop Is Terminally Ill

This is the last post I'll write on my current laptop. Jerrica has been my steady companion for the last eight years and seven months, but alas, I need to admit her days are numbered.

She's served me faithfully. I haven't abused her by spilling drinks on her or dropping her. She's been loved and cared for, and in return, she's helped me write nearly sixty books.

Unfortunately, the Ctrl key no longer works. Her battery is dead. Keys and the touchpad are misaligned. And worst of all, she's bluescreened on me twice in the last year.

So long, Jerrica. We were great friends, and you will be missed.

Monday, June 19, 2023

International Business Woman

I had to get up four hours early today to talk with an artist about the special project I'm having her do to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the Justice series. The artist is a UK ex-pat currently living in Bulgaria, so it's a seven-hour time difference between us.

Since this is the third painting, I think we're getting into a groove. I managed to send her pretty much everything she needed last night. She, in turn, had a rough draft to show to me when I logged in this morning.

It constantly amazes me how much work we can do over the internet these days. Freelancers can live anywhere there's a connection. Their customers can do the same. There was a time when mail would have taken months to go back and forth between the U.S. and Bulgaria. Heck, there was a time when it was nigh impossible for someone from western Europe to live in the old Soviet bloc.

I really love this new world!

My only issue is this artist makes the Twelve look damn sexy. I feel a little weird having hot gods though I really like the paintings. Maybe it's a good thing Balance is blind. LOL

Saturday, June 17, 2023

Music I've Been Listening to Lately

I think I first heard this song on an episode of Charmed.

Friday, June 16, 2023

New Release - Death in Double Mocha

The last novel in the Soccer Moms of the Apocalypse series dropped yesterday. Death in Double Mocha is currently only available through Amazon. You can read it via Kindle Unlimited or buy the ebook or paperback.

After it's 90-day term on KU, it will be available at other retailers along with the rest of the Soccer Moms series.

Dani Elante’s alter ego Death felt the wrongness of the dead rising, even though the world rejoiced in the return of their lost loved ones. But she shoved her reservations aside when her deceased husband comes back to her and her son.

Can Dani find the courage to put the dead to rest and stop the Apocalypse? Or will Satan convince her to let Heath live, and as a result, destroy the universe?

Amazon, all countries

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

AI Law

Even though I haven't practiced law in over a decade, friends like to send me legal article. Especially if the article deals with the rapid changes in the publishing industry.

My friend Angie sent this article from TechDirt:

Sanctions Hearing for ChatGPT-Using Lawyers Did Not Go Well


There's a lot of people using ChatGPT. I get it. It makes a lovely shortcut on a lot of different projects. But ChatGPT is not foolproof. That's why I don't recommend using it for drafting fiction, non-fiction, or covers.

I definitely wouldn't use it for practicing law! That's what Lexis-Nexis and Westlaw is for.

If I were the judge, I'd probably recommend disbarment for both attorneys. This kind of crap was inexcusable. As I've said before the legal profession MUST be held to a higher standard. The strength of our judicial system relies on everyone doing their job properly.

Don't get me wrong, folks. I love technology. Angry Sheep Publishing wouldn't exist without it. But it needs to be used responsibly and ethically. Luckily, no one's life depended on these two yahoos using tech correctly.

But what if it was your attorney using ChatGPT to argue cases using fake cites?

Monday, June 12, 2023

Exhaustion and the Middle Aged Writer


Sometimes, kids, you just need to walk away from everything and sleep. The last month has super crazy. Lots of stuff going on. Even Princess Bella's stress was bad enough to prompt vomiting.

So, we slept a solid twelve hours. Now, the two of us are lounging on the recliner today and ignoring the giant to-do list.

Last weekend, DH and I packed up our bags and visited friends in Cincinnati. Our friends tried to be the excellent hosts they normally were, but DH and I were both saying, "We've had a long-ass month. Can we please just hang out and talk?"

Which was pretty much what we did the entire weekend. Good food. Good friends. Interesting IPAs for them and excellent chocolate for me.

We only did one big thing. Saturday night, we went to Gabriel "Fluffy" Iglasias's show at the Funnybone in Liberty Township. A lovely comedy club, and Fluffy is fantastic as ever! I even managed to snag a Fluffy POP! for my collection.

Despite our hosts letting me sleep in on Saturday and Sunday mornings, I fell asleep on the relatively short ride home yesterday afternoon. I went to bed early and still managed to sleep for a full twelve hours. Despite all that sleep, I'm still tired.

I'll take it easy this week. Some writing. Some editing. Some cleaning. A lot of sleep. Hopefully, the princess and I will be back to normal by Friday.

Saturday, June 10, 2023

Music I've Been Listening to Lately

So many hits for Ace of Base it was hard to choose!

Wednesday, June 7, 2023


Even though I packed up the last of the Kickstarter backer boxes yesterday afternoon, I didn't make it to the post office today. We've been inundated with smoke and haze from the wildfires in Ontario and Michigan's Upper Peninsula. It's been bad enough the State of Ohio downgraded its air quality alert to "Unhealthy" for everyone, which remains in affect until midnight on Friday.

My eyes have been itching and my nose stuffed up since GK and I took the Grandpuppy to his follow-up vet appointment yesterday morning. Nor did it get better when I made my post office run, got gas before the price jump, and bought a frame for a print I selected for Youngest Niece's birthday. Even though the last two days were supposed to be clear and sunny, the picture of haze during the Australian wildfires above gives you an idea of what's going on in Northwest Ohio right now. I may have to pull my pandemic masks back out if this continues.

The effects actually started with Saturday night's Strawberry Moon. When I took Princess Bella out for her last constitutional, the full moon actually had the hue of it's namesake.

So, I'm staying inside inside to work today. And keeping my fingers crossed that we get the rain we're supposed to on Sunday.

Monday, June 5, 2023

Taking Time for Your Kids

Last night, I planned to pack up the last twenty Kickstarter backer boxes, finish the stretch goal stories, and review two formatted ebooks. Then Genius Kid came out of his bedroom around two a.m. because he was having trouble sleeping.

We sat and talked for over two hours. Sometimes, you need to be there for your kids no matter how old they are or what things you need to get done. Even if it is just sitting and listening.

The other stuff can wait.

Saturday, June 3, 2023

Music I've Been Listening to Lately

Quirky was a major theme of the 90's, stuck between grunge and boy bands.