Monday, October 7, 2024

Crazy Monday

Today is going to be a little bit crazy. I need to drop off GK's Charger at the body shop for repairs. I couldn't avoid a large piece of metal on the interstate when I drove the vehicle back from San Antonio. Luckily, it was cosmetic damage, and both the Grandpuppy and I were uninjured. Then, I accidentally backed the Charger into the neighbor's heavy brick mailbox stand.


After that, I'm heading to Hot Yoga for the only class I can attend this week.

Then it's home for a quick shower and food before DH and I head to doctor's appointments. We were scheduled for our regular quarterly appointments back in July, which we had to cancel and reschedule when we came down with the latest variation of COVID.

Then it's home again to wash clothes and pack. I'm headed down to West Virginia on Tuesday to spend a few days with my cousin Suzan. Yes, there are two of us, but she pronounces her name "Suzanne". I lived with her nearly forty years ago when I worked in D.C. She's pretty awesome, but unfortunately, age is catching up with both of us. I'm not sure how much longer I'll be able to travel, and I'm making plans to visit as many loved ones as I can over the next couple of years.

So, I'll try to get Wednesday and Friday's post written ahead of time, but if I don't make it, you'll know why.

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