I haven't done a status update in a while, so here's what's happened since I posted my April list of things to do:
1) No, I haven't started the edits on Ravaged yet.
2) The first draft of Sacrificed was completed on May 25.
3) I started back on Resurrected on May 26, and realized there were a couple of major issues that would turn into expositional crap if I dealt with them in this novel. So I plotted two short novels that will take place between Sacrificed and Resurrected, and started writing them. I post word count updates at my reader-oriented website www.suzanharden.com if you're curious.
4) The non-related short stories are done, but when they will be released is open to question with the new short novels for Bloodlines.
5) Proofing the Bloodlines paperbacks is taking an inordinate amount of time, far more than I anticipated. But I have to get them done because I will be at an author's signing event at our local library next month. More on the signing will be posted closer to the day of, which is July 20. In the meantime, they've essentially been moved to the top priority spot.
6) Needless to say, updating the Seasons of Magick series has been pushed back once again. It may be swapped with #7
7) I gotten more e-mails/PMs about A Modicum of Truth, so based on demand, it will need to take priority post-Bloodlines. It's good that a work is wanted, but it's a little nerve-wracking as well. I'm blaming the demand on the new Wonder Woman movie.
So that's what's happening in my world. Hope everyone has a great summer!
Recommended Reading List: September 2024
Yeah, the last list from 2024. Finally. I thought maybe I would just punt
this one, but I like sharing what I’ve read that I’ve liked. So I didn’t
want to ...
1 day ago
Hey, flexibility and being able to respond nimbly to changing demands and circumstances is one of the major advantages of indie publishing. Sounds like you're doing well with that, even if it's a bit aggravating at times. :)
I don't feel it's aggravating. I'm more worried about the next Justice novel living up to reader expectations. I never expected one little short story to take off like it did. But enthusiastic reader response plays into that nimble writer response, right? LOL