This season's Game of Thrones has been a major topic of writers over the last week and a half. Jo sent me the link to the latest episode of the #FatmanBeyond podcast where Marc and Kevin talk about what works and what doesn't in a story, both in general and more specifically the eighth season of GOT and John Wick Chapter 3.
Here's the thing: Kevin Smith is, at heart, a storyteller. It doesn't matter whether you like his shit or not (though the twelve-year-old boy in me LOVES it!), he understands the dynamics that go into a satisfying experience. I always learn something when I listen to one of his college lectures or podcasts.
While both gentlemen here would say they are entertaining, there's far more than a grain of truth for writers in here.
Of course, I wouldn't recommend listening to this without earbuds because it's definitely not safe for work, small children, or your in-laws.
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