It's that time of year for all the usual annual appointments. You know, eyes, heart, blood sugars, girl parts, etc. But all my providers are spending lots of extra time talking about the C-word.
Time I'd rather spend writing.
It didn't help when I was told I need to give up caffeine. Cthuludammit! It's the one vice I have left.
I admit I'm addicted. Coffee, diet cola, tea. And of course, I just bought a new bottle of Peppermint Mocha creamer. So yummy!
Otherwise, everybody says I'm doing fine. My scar itches because all of them want to poke and prod the area searching for new lumps. That's in addition to poking and prodding the remaining breast.
Thank goodness I only have one more appointment left, and it's two weeks away. I'll remind myself where I was a year ago if I EVER complain about the writing business!
Quick & Dirty Craft Workshop For Writers
Here’s something really fun…at least for me. I’ve been doing a lot of
teaching lately, working with student manuscripts. And it doesn’t seem to
matter how ...
3 hours ago
Give caffeine up completely?? Aww man, that sucks. :( I don't drink it very often, but when I do it's cause I really need it. :P
IKR?! I have to watch everything I eat these days, and I had to give up alcohol with the tamoxifen. But no caffeine either? AAGGHH!