So! Many! Mixed! Feelings!
I know it's hard to do every single character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe justice in a huge ensemble movie like this. And if it were just the fact my favorite characters didn't get what I considered adequate screen time, I wouldn't be so pissy.
The sheer numbers of awesome callbacks to both the comics and the previous movies almost make up for the things that drove me crazy.
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1) The A-Force shot was awesome! I want this movie, but I know Marvel Studios won't deliver it.
2) Gray Hulk!
3) Steve got to say both "Hail Hydra" and "Avengers, assemble!"
4) Tony's character comes full circle with "I am Iron Man."
5) Tim Hiddleston and Rene Russo had incredible moments.
6) Thor's joy at learning he was still worthy despite his chronic depression over Infinity War and the beginning of Endgame.
7) Steve's "America's ass, all right" comment to his younger self.
8) The passing of the shield.
9) The closure between Tony and his dad.
1) Why the fuck do we go through the five-minute explanation of the Many Worlds Interpretation of string theory if the writers/directors were going to ignore it anyway?
2) The huge, fucking plot holes/time holes caused by ignoring MWI.
a) If Current Nebula kills Past Nebula, it changes the timeline.
b) If Past Gamora still lives in the current timeline, how can Thanos sacrifice her to obtain the Soul Stone in the past?
c) If Thanos is killed in the present, how can he collect the Infinity Stones to start the whole ball o' wax rolling?
3) And don't even get me started on each teams' multitude of interferences in the past!
Overall, it was. . .okay. I give Avengers: Endgame 7 stars out of 10.
Quick & Dirty Craft Workshop For Writers
Here’s something really fun…at least for me. I’ve been doing a lot of
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