Monday, September 16, 2024

Amazon's New Policy

Today's post is a little late, but it's live, right? LOL DH and I had to be up early for medical labs this morning. We went out for a pleasant breakfast in a sit-down brunch place called the Toasted Yolk, a wonderful little restaurant. We got home and each went to do their thing.

And I fell asleep on my recliner. Whoops! At least I woke up in time for tonight's JV Soccer Teacher's Appreciation Event since I had announcing duties.

However, I wanted to talk a little bit about Amazon's new ID verification policy.

Amazon began requiring identification verification from sellers over a year ago thanks to the INFORM Consumers Act. This law applies to all online marketplaces, from Target to Etsy, to provide the necessary information regarding sellers to consumers.

There's been a spate of con jobs going on with online stores where shoddy goods are delivered to the consumers. Or even, nothing at all is delivered, and the consumer has lost their money to some fly-by-night scam artist.

Now, the process has moved to KDP. If you're starting your writing/publishing career, you will now need to provide a qualifying picture ID when you sign up for Amazon.

For those of us who joined KDP in the early days, or maybe started when KDP was still DTP, Amazon is slowly going through and verifying our identities. From what I've been able to learn, the priority is based on the volume of sales.

However, if you change how you do business (for example, I'm in the process of switching from a sole proprietorship to an LLC), you're verification will happen when you enter your name change under your Account info on Amazon.

This is something to be aware of because eventually Amazon or some other service will tap you on the shoulder and say, "ID, please."

Like many other folks, my concern is privacy. I understand the need for consumer protection, but I don't want my information in place where someone can steal my identity. Amazon claims it deletes the copies of your driver's license or passport, but do they really?

It's one of those things that bothers me when it comes to Amazon these days.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Something to Make You Smile

This sing-off was so delightful! I knew Luke and Hugh could sing their asses off, but I didn't know Taron could hold his own with them. The kid impresses me in everything I see him in!

Friday, September 13, 2024

Where's Suzan?

Sorry about not posting this week. I have a good excuse though!

I've been hanging out at our standalone Starbucks for a few hours every day this week, working on Death Goddess Walking. It just needs another 10-15 thousand words. When the story gets into the downhill slide, the words come faster. I'm not sure why, but it's like a breathless race to the finish, and I get annoyed by things interrupting me Luckily, no one bothers me at our local cafe.

When I get home, I've been working on swag projects for the next two Kickstarters and for my online store. Some different bookmarks. Tarot card bags. T-shirt designs. It's been fun doing artsy stuff again. When there's sufficient product, I'll post some pictures for you to check out the swag.

Today though, started on a rocky note. My poor yoga instructor texted us that the Friday morning classes were canceled because she tested positive for COVID. I feel so bad for her after suffering through it myself in July. People forget the damn disease is out there. It's not over. It will never be over. Please, PLEASE take care of yourselves! Get your vaccines and boosters. I don't want to see any more people die from this blasted

Meanwhile, I'm getting caught up on financial stuff before DH and I head out for a date night. Connecting is important for any relationship, even for us old folks.

When we get home, I'll probably work on some editing and covers while DH watches his favorite current show, On Patrol Live. Toledo is one of the cities the program follows. The calls for TPD are overwhelmingly shots fired, as opposed to Daytona Beach where it's usually drunk and stupid. I think DH likes that show because it proves he's relatively normal and intelligent.

I'm obviously not, just by virtue of being a writer.

But we can't stay up too late. There's high school soccer games tomorrow. DH is the time keeper, and I've been drafted to do announcing. I just hope I have enough caffeine to be coherent.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Thursday, September 5, 2024

When the Day Gets Away from You

I started my day at 8 a.m. Wednesday morning. Dressed and grabbed a granola bar and water before heading downtown for a yoga class. Wednesday is Restorative Yoga, and I highly recommend it!

It's now 12:19 a.m. on Thursday, and I'm just getting around to writing the Wednesday post. Where the hell did the day go?

  • Yoga class
  • Picked up black tea at Starbucks on the way home
  • Ate breakfast while going through e-mail
  • Sent emails to State Farm about obtaining an estimate for damage to GK's Charger that happened on the drive from Texas to Ohio and an appointment for the repairs
  • Researched methods for getting rid of yellow jackets who've built a nest in the exterior wall of out utility room
  • Researched methods for getting rid of the crab grass that's taken over the yard (crab grass loves hot, dry weather)
  • Pulled some weeds from one of the flower beds
  • Grabbed a shower
  • Read an article about a recent change with KDP that I'll talk about on Friday.
  • Ran to the bank to deposit DH's reimbursement for acting as the executor of his father's estate
  • Ate a couple of slices of cheddar for lunch
  • Wrote a couple of pages of Death Goddess Walking
  • Paid a couple of bills
  • Dropped off payment for probate attorney
  • Went to the high school girls JV and Varsity soccer games to study what the administration wants from their announcers since I'll be (unexpectedly) announcing tomorrow night's boys JV and Varsity games
  • Called a friend about personal matters
  • Texted a friend that I'll be late for tomorrow night's writers' sprinting session
  • Went out to dinner with DH's baby sister and her husband since it was 9 p.m. and none of us had eaten since lunch
  • Came home to feed dogs and spend a little quality time with them
  • Watched the late news and the first half of The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
  • Took the pups out for the last time and gave them their snacks
  • And finally started this dang post

And I'm about to take my meds and head to bed.

I need a moment of quiet, but I think I'll go hide at Starbucks tomorrow just so I can get a couple of thousand words done on DGW instead.

Monday, September 2, 2024

Happy Labor Day!

It's Labor Day here in the U.S. For many, it's a day to swim, play games, and barbeque. For me, it's the first day of Halloween season!

The driveway lights have been changed to orange and purple. Skeleton lights have been hung in the art room. I'm about to put one of the Halloween wreaths on the front door.

However, I need to wait until DH mows the grass before I put out the inflatables.

And to top it off, it'll be chill enough this evening to enjoy a pumpkin spice latte!