Thursday, September 5, 2024

When the Day Gets Away from You

I started my day at 8 a.m. Wednesday morning. Dressed and grabbed a granola bar and water before heading downtown for a yoga class. Wednesday is Restorative Yoga, and I highly recommend it!

It's now 12:19 a.m. on Thursday, and I'm just getting around to writing the Wednesday post. Where the hell did the day go?

  • Yoga class
  • Picked up black tea at Starbucks on the way home
  • Ate breakfast while going through e-mail
  • Sent emails to State Farm about obtaining an estimate for damage to GK's Charger that happened on the drive from Texas to Ohio and an appointment for the repairs
  • Researched methods for getting rid of yellow jackets who've built a nest in the exterior wall of out utility room
  • Researched methods for getting rid of the crab grass that's taken over the yard (crab grass loves hot, dry weather)
  • Pulled some weeds from one of the flower beds
  • Grabbed a shower
  • Read an article about a recent change with KDP that I'll talk about on Friday.
  • Ran to the bank to deposit DH's reimbursement for acting as the executor of his father's estate
  • Ate a couple of slices of cheddar for lunch
  • Wrote a couple of pages of Death Goddess Walking
  • Paid a couple of bills
  • Dropped off payment for probate attorney
  • Went to the high school girls JV and Varsity soccer games to study what the administration wants from their announcers since I'll be (unexpectedly) announcing tomorrow night's boys JV and Varsity games
  • Called a friend about personal matters
  • Texted a friend that I'll be late for tomorrow night's writers' sprinting session
  • Went out to dinner with DH's baby sister and her husband since it was 9 p.m. and none of us had eaten since lunch
  • Came home to feed dogs and spend a little quality time with them
  • Watched the late news and the first half of The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
  • Took the pups out for the last time and gave them their snacks
  • And finally started this dang post

And I'm about to take my meds and head to bed.

I need a moment of quiet, but I think I'll go hide at Starbucks tomorrow just so I can get a couple of thousand words done on DGW instead.

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