Saturday, February 1, 2025

Music I've Been Listening to Lately

Yes, I've been on a 2CELLOS kick. Here's another awesome video.

Thursday, January 30, 2025


After a lot of thought and consideration, I've pulled the link to Neil Gaiman's blog from my reading list.

To say I'm disappointed in his behavior is an understatement. I'm not against kink. However, I do believe in safe, sane, and consensual protocols. There's some big questions on all three parts in his relationships with women.

To me, here's the bigger problem. As a former attorney, it's been drummed into my head that public servants, not only can't do anything improper, but we need to avoid the APPEARANCE of impropriety as well.

Granted, Gaiman isn't a public servant. No non-government celebrity is.

However, there's one thing in this whole mess that bothers me--why did Gaiman abruptly leave New Zealand at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic?

If he and his wife had a simple fight, and with the amount of friends Gaiman has, why not make other arrangements in New Zealand rather than flying halfway around the world and possibly contract or spread a deadly disease? Why leave your child alone like that?

To me, this is a HUGE appearance of impropriety on his part. Worse, it was damn irresponsible given conditions around the world at that time.

It's bad enough all these women are telling the same tales about him. It also saddens me that his actions have affected a large number of people that had nothing to with any sexual behavior on his part.

The current adaptions of his writing are being cancelled thanks to the current controversy. Hundreds of people are employed to make a television series. Now, all those people will also be out of work because of Gaiman's stigma and lack of foresight.

Today, I received an e-mail notice from a Kickstarter I supported nearly two years ago--a graphic novel of Good Omens. There were a ton of people working on this project, including Terry Pratchett's estate. Now, some backers (I don't know how many) have asked for there orders to be cancelled and want refunds.

In the notice, the Pratchett Estate said Gaiman would not be getting any funds from this Kickstarter. I hope Colleen Doran, the artist for the project is paid in full because her artwork I've seen so far is absolutely stunning.

None the less, I'm sad to say the Good Omens graphic novel will be the last Gaiman-related product I will purchase. I've loved his work since I picked up my first copy of the Sandman comic in 1988. There's been a lot of talk among fans regarding equating the artist with the art. Gaiman is a great writer, but when someone fucks up, they need to make things right with those they fucked over. Reading his so-called apology on his blog makes it sound like he's only sorry he got caught.

I don't think I'm holding Gaiman to some unachievable standard. We're all human. We all fuck up. But he does need to fix his problems--to his family and to those he wronged.

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Writing and Editing

I opened a new post for this blog yesterday, and...

Totally forgot to write it. LOL

The check engine light came on in our everyday vehicle while DH drove up to Detroit to pick me up at the airport eleven days ago. Yesterday was the first opening our mechanic had. So, I needed to be up early. I followed DH over to the mechanic. Thankfully, it was not a worse case scenario when they called later in the afternoon.

However, I skipped yoga class because I had a massive to-do list. I got some breakfast, started on my list, and...

Yep, I fell asleep on my recliner.

I woke up in a bit of a panic because I needed to run two errands before the facilities closed at five p.m. After I got those done, I went to Starbucks for some serious writing. I'm closing in on finishing Feline Navidad in another day or two.

When I got home, I made dinner, watched some Jeopardy, wrote some more on Feline Navidad and edited a Alter Ego story that needed a new cover before I republish it. Basically, I worked until the Princess Pup nagged me into going to bed.

Never did look at this blog again until this morning.

Well, part of the massive to-do list is running and verifying reports before I take the mass of data to the meeting with our new CPA on Friday.

 Thankfully, there's four more days to get stuff done! I'm not underwater yet!

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Music I've Been Listening to Lately

I've got the soundtrack for Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl. It was great to listen to while I wrote A Measure of Knowledge. However, I took great delight in seeing a new video by 2CELLOS.

Friday, January 24, 2025

Here Comes the Sun

Despite the busyness of the Space Opera class last week, I got plenty of sun. Even when the temps were below zero this week, there was lots of sun.

All that lovely light definitely improved my mood. I've had a rough time dealing with my Seasonal Affective Disorder, aka SAD, this winter. The political climate and growing sense of fear have not helped.

Plus my week in Vegas recharged certain batteries, I really don't have anyone to talk business with here in town. Most of my friends live two hours or more away. Yes, we communicate by various means, but there's a certain energy you get when you talk with someone in person. I definitely got that during breakfast, lunch, and breaks during the class.

So this week, I've put that excitement into my work, and I got a bit accomplished--even though something I though would be a one-day project has turned into three days. LOL

Things are finally moving in the right direction. Even if I did have to take a nap after this morning's yoga class. But that's part of taking care of the word-producing machine.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Tax Time and Sadness

We've started getting our W-2s and 1099s here at Chez Harden. Unfortunately, we also needed to find a CPA here in Ohio. Ed, our long-time CPA in Houston, sold his practice last summer when his Stage 4 cancer stopped responding to treatment. He passed away the week before Christmas.

Ed was our CPA for nearly thirty years. He's been with DH and me through house-buying, children (both human and furbabies), and our various businesses. Most of all, he was a cheerleader for me when I started my publishing company in 2011. He always believed I would be successful when lots of other people called me a fool.

The best thing about Ed was he didn't have the dry, dull manner of a lot of other CPAs I've met. He was genuinely enthusiastic about the tax code and helping his clients save every penny they could from Uncle Sam.

The last time I spoke to Ed was over the phone a year before his passing. He truly believed that one of my series would be picked up for a movie deal or a television series. And he was still enthusiastic despite his illness and the rough sound of his voice.

Rest in peace, Ed. I like to imagine you on a beach, relaxing, but I know you'll be helping the angels with their own accounting problems.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Still Recovering from Space Opera

Last week, I flew to Las Vegas to take a Space Opera class with Kristine Kathryn Rusch. She's an award-winning writer and editor who knows her shit.The class was super intense, like taking a master's class in four-days. It was so intense that I spent the long holiday weekend sleeping and writing.

Since the class was held at the WMG Publishing offices in downtown Vegas, I got a room at The Golden Nugget on Fremont Street. I've been to Vegas enough times I have frequent guest offers from the Nugget, so I got a decent price for the week. Since the hotel is only a few blocks from the offices, I got plenty of steps in during my stay.

The Nugget is what I call retro chic. The main part of the hotel looks very similar to what it did when it opened in 1946. The beds are comfortable, and the rooms are clean. Best of all the Carson Tower is totally nonsmoking rooms. Unfortunately, that has become a primary criteria while traveling thanks to my allergies.

The in-person class was totally awesome. my classmates are all working writers like me, who are looking to take their writing to the next level. Kris doesn't take newbies in her classes. I've been dabbling in science fiction, but I feel I'm not quite getting it right. Kris's lessons made me realize the uneasy feeling I've been having was Subconscious trying to kick Conscious out of the way because she knows how to write the story.

For those of you waiting for the next Justice novel, no, I'm not jumping tracks in 2025. This year's writing and publishing has already been planned out, though I haven't posted everything on the public Release Schedule yet. After falling off the proverbial writing wagon last year, I'm doing my damnedest to stay on it for this year.

So, that's why I've been silent the last ten days. Now to get back to my regularly scheduled work-in-progress...

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Repeat of a Favorite

I love 2CELLOS! Sulic and Hauser are enthusiastic performers. However, this video is dedicated to Darling Husband who is a huge AC/DC fan.

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Music from the Lockdown

Out of all the things we artists did to keep our sanity during the COVID lockdowns, this is one of my favorites!

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Monday Movie Mania a Day Late - Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice

I know Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice is out of the theaters, but DH and I went to see it while it was still playing at our local cinema. It was part of his "get Suzan out of her funk" plan. I'd like to say my funk colored my perception of the movie, but I'm afraid it didn't.

We did watch the original before we bought tickets for the sequel. And the sequel was . . . okay. It didn't stick in my mind for very long. Frankly, I had to read the film's Wikipedia article to remember the plot when I first tried to write my review.




1) I was amazed how easily Winona Rider slipped back into the role of Lydia Deetz. She was the Queen of Goth in the 80's and 90's, and she clearly has a grasp on the fears and trials of an older Gen X.

2) Jenna Ortega is the prime successor to Winona's acting legacy. She's very believable as Lydia's daughter Astrid.

3) Michael Keaton hasn't changed one bit from the original movie. If I hadn't seen his other movies over the last forty years, I would have thought he lived in his Beetlejuice costume 24/7.

1) The Maitlands (Geena Davis and Alec Baldwin) were given short shrift in the sequel. It would have been nice to learn how they managed to get to the Afterlife.

2) With Jeffrey Jones' legal problems, I understand why the producers did not want him back. I would have rather seen his character given the short-shrift that was handed to the Maitlands.

3) I love Monica Belucci, but the talented Italian actress was totally wasted as Beetlejuice's ex-wife on a rampage for revenge.

Overall, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice is a pretty forgettable sequel to a movie I loved in the 80's. It's not bad, but it's not good either. However, it's a serviceable reason for Gen X's children and grandchildren to laugh at us. I give it 5 out of 10 stars.

Saturday, January 4, 2025

New Year, New Video, Old Music

Here's the Supernatual folks' antics set to "Shut Up and Dance".

Friday, January 3, 2025

Getting Back into the Writing Groove

I took time off from writing over the last two weeks of 2024. I felt like I was flogging the proverbial dead horse, and I needed some time to refill the creative well.

In that vein, I've watched new-to-me movies, some Christmas favorites, and an action thriller that will be added to the holiday canon. I've read a lot lot of space opera in preparation for a writing class I will be attending this month.

So, I felt refreshed when I started writing on New Year's day. I haven't made my target word-count numbers the first two days, but I'm doing better than I did most of 2024.

My only problem is I really want to start on the War of the Witches series. New projects always make the Subconscious rub her hands with glee. However, I've got other books planned and promised that need to be finished first. Therefore, I'm splitting my time in order to please my readers and my inner child.

I'm working damn hard to keep a positive mindset. Part is my desire to break out of the cocoon depression had me wrapped in since October. Part is the need to be strong for what comes next in our society. The hate flows strongly in the U.S. and around the world, and the next four years aren't going to be pretty.

I just hope my stories keep me and my readers going through the oncoming storm.