Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Puppy Healing

Princess Bella had a rough Saturday. Between the pain pills and the soft food, the poor girl had some digestive issues. However, she's doing much better now. Back to her old rascally self and wanting to play.

Yesterday, she seemed determined to catch up on all the play time she missing over the weekend. Unfortunately, both DH and I were trying to catch up on a multitude of work tasks, and she was rather put out by our lack of attention to our real needs.

Alas, there's never enough time to do everything one wants to do within the spare twenty-four hours per day. Including spending the entire day playing with one's adorable pet. 

Today I must plug in some words on the current wip and start cleaning the house before GK and Grandpuppy arrive in two months.

Oh, and finish making my last two Christmas gifts for friends who have been waiting patiently.

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