Monday, January 24, 2022

Writing Goals


Have you made out your list of goals for the year?

I'm not talking about resolutions. I'm talking about the concrete steps you've taken to achieve a particular goal.

Say you want to write a novel, and you've never written one before. Break it down into realistic bite-sized pieces. 100 words a day during your lunch break. Or wake up fifteen minutes early to write. Cut out a TV program to write. Whatever works for your schedule.

This picture is the Treasury House in  Petra, Jordan. The people of Petra literally carved their city into the cliffs. They sure as heck didn't do it in one day, much less a year. So why do you think you can write a novel in a matter of days when you have no experience?

Eons ago when I still practicing law, I wrote my first novel 500 words at a time in the local IHOP during my lunch hour. Think about it. 500 words X 5 days a week X 50 weeks in a year. That's 125,000 words a year. Roughly one and a half novels.

Write a novel one bite at a time. The same way you eat an elephant.

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