Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Why You Don't Mix Business with Politics

I know it's another contentious U.S. presidential election year. But for the love of the frickin' universe, you don't abuse your customer mailing list!

Your customers don't necessarily give a rat's ass about your political leanings. Some may lean in the polar opposite direction. However, it's not generally why they sought out your services in the first place.

On the other hand, if you do abuse you customer list, you'd better be prepared for the fallout.

So, what prompted this little rant?

The day before I caught COVID back in July, i.e. the 15th, I received a bizarre e-mail from Sticker Mule's CEO Anthony Constantino. He wanted people to back a certain presidential candidate by buying a Sticker Mule t-shirt. Here's what I received:

Hi Suzan,

Donald Trump was shot.

I don't care what you're political views are.

People are terrified to support Trump. I've been scared myself.

Americans shouldn't live in fear.

I support Trump. Many at Sticker Mule do.

Many at Sticker Mule also support Biden.

The political hate needs to stop.

Hopefully this email helps.

BTW, this week, get 1 shirt for $4 (normally $19).

I suggest buying one that shows you support Trump.

The more people realize that millions of compassionate, kind-hearted people support Trump, the sooner the hate will end.

Awesome people, all over the world, love Trump. Don't limit your friendships and diminish your happiness by indulging in political hate.

Vocalize your support. Stop the hate.

Anthony Constantino
Cofounder, Sticker Mule

P.S. Discuss this message on X.

In all fairness, I've been a customer of the company for a few years. I've bought mailers with my company logo printed on them, magnets and stickers for Kickstarter campaigns, and most recently dabbled with their temporary tattoos for the 10th Anniversary editions of the Justice series. I even tested a couple of t-shirt designs through Sticker Mule for promoting the Soccer Moms of the Apocalypse.
However, this was two days after the attempted assassination of that certain presidential candidate. Two people died that day. Hawking a t-shirt based on that terrible event was tacky to say the least.
A few customers expressed their displeasure, only to be mocked by Mr. Constantino on X (the social media site formerly known as Twitter).

He double-downed by sending another e-mail two days later.

Hi Suzan,

Crazy week! I gave $2500 bonuses to all 79 people on our support team because they received death threats. That must stop, but, on the bright side, we paid out $195,000 in bonuses.

If people expressing hate towards us want to feel good about something, they can take credit for helping our support team earn sizable bonuses.

Also, we changed the deal to 50 stickers for $9 thru Friday.

I hope my message supporting Donald Trump and encouraging respect for all people becomes a learning moment for everyone.

As much backlash as we received, it’s good for society that people learn that lots of people with BIG HEARTS support Trump.

I want maximum happiness for everyone!

Cofounder, Sticker Mule

P.S. In other news, we made a commercial where everyone is naked.

Tying a sale to an attempted assassination once was tacky. I have no words for the second try.


So what did Anthony do next? He started doxxing customers on X who objected to his emails and his tweets. Not that X's owner would stop him.

Forbes had an interesting take on the subject.

Then came the third e-mail on the same subject on August 14th:

Hi Suzan,

I'm sure you always wanted to sell your own hot sauce. Now you can.

Introducing white label hot sauce by Sticker Mule.

It's my genius idea to make Sticker Mule explode ever since the last CEO f'd things up.

And, I'm giving away $500 to 20 people who repost on X. That's $10,000 total.

Btw, now that I'm in charge, I ordered the last CEO to be left wrapped in bubble wrap in an abandoned warehouse.

That should fix things,

Ricky Berwick
CEO, Sticker Mule

P.S. Find out what happened to our last CEO.

For the record, Ricky Berwick is a comedian/actor. And I really don't get the need to bribe people to spread your message.

Here's the thing. Customers buy your products because those products make your customers feel good in some way. Customers sign up for your e-mails because they want to know about your products. And this is the reason I have two different websites.

Then there's not understanding who your customers are. Most of Sticker Mule's customers are small business owners like me. A lot of them are artists. Artists tend to lean left. So why did Anthony think his blast to his customers was okay?

Was the assassination attempt horrible? Yes, two people died, three others were injured. But I wouldn't send an email to my readers and use this terrible incident or any other to sell my books. My readers would kick me to the curb and rightly so.

For example, I mostly talk about my new books, Kickstarters, swag, etc. on the Suzan Harden website because that's mainly for my readers/customers. Wild, Wicked & Wacky is for my personal likes/dislikes and thoughts on the publishing business. Only a few personal friends follow both blogs.

I'm not saying Anthony Constantino doesn't have a right to his opinions. And he has a First Amendment right to express those opinions. Unfortunately, most people don't understand the right to express your opinions doesn't mean people have to agree with them. Or even listen to them.

So my bit of advice (if you chose to listen to my opinion), don't inflict personal stuff on your customers, like who to vote for. That doesn't build good business relationships.

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