Monday, April 15, 2024

There's No Magic Handshake

I guess I've been a professional writer long enough that I'm attracting people who want to know the magic handshake.

There is no magic handshake.

There's no secret formula.

There's no password to riches.

Frankly, if you want to be rich, invest wisely. Or buy a Powerball ticket. Or find a sugar daddy/sugar mommy.

Over the last two decades, I've met a lot of writers who have quit. They got discouraged. Tired. Bored. But in almost every case, they tried to be like every other writer. They followed tropes and rules instead of being their own unique selves.

But the most important of all, it's what they don't mention that's really behind them quitting. I never hear them say how much they love story-telling.

Never. Ever.

If you don't love making up stories, you're not going to have a long-term career. I and most other readers can tell when your heart's not into the story you wrote.

Basically, if you're not having a good time writing your story, why do you do it? There's a shit-ton of of jobs out there that are tiring and frustrating.  I've been down those roads. You can usually leave the bullshit at the office or factory.

But writing and storytelling should be a passion. Something you can't live without. It's a tough road, but it's worth it when you love it. It's no different that any other art.

The only two things you need to remember is BICFOK, i.e. "butt in chair, fingers on keyboard".

And love your stories!

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