Monday, June 3, 2024

I Agree with Garfield

Mondays are a pain in the ass. Everybody wants something. I try not to contact my freelancers on Mondays because I now what the constant interruptions feel like. It's taken me ten hours to write this little post because of interruptions.

Today was not exception. I had a stack of things to do, so I didn't go to yoga class this morning. However, my alarm still failed to go off. Or I shut it off in my sleep. I'm not sure which. DH said he thinks he heard something, but he wasn't sure himself because...

Yep, everything hit the fan with his job. His phone rang consistently all day between and during meetings.

It kind of makes me want to move to a Caribbean with its slower lifestyle.

The good thing is we're taking the weekend off to go see Christopher Titus' show in Cincinnati this weekend. I know the week's barely started, but I definitely need a break.

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